The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova signs an Agreement of Cooperation with the SHER Program
On December 19, 2024, the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova opened a new chapter of cooperation with the Project Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo (SHER), an initiative financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation and supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Kosovo. This project aims the strengthening of higher education and scientific research in Kosovo through innovative technologies, modern technologies and advanced leadership.
The solemn ceremony of signing the agreement took place in the premises of the Rectorate, where present were representatives of SHER project, vice-rectors, deans, professors, students and members of the academic and administrative community.
The agreement was signed by the Rector of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’, Prof. Ass.Dr. Drilon Bunjaku and head of the project, Mr. Aqim Emurli, marking a promising partnership which will hopefully bring extraordinary benefits for the university and wide.
In his greeting word, Rector Bunjaku emphasized the significance of this agreement as a unique opportunity to raise the academic standards, and to strengthen the capacities of the university:
‘’The purpose of this project is to strengthen the research capacities, to improve governance and institutional sustainability, to develop a strategic plan for the University assurance and development, as well as the increase of the academic quality in order to fulfil the requirements of the labour market. One of the key objectives of the SHER program is the increase of governance in the higher education institutions.’’
In the meantime, the head of the SHER program, Mr. Emurli emphasized the commitment of the project to create a sustainable education system, adding: ‘’The cooperation with the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ is a proof of a mutual vision for a quality education and scientific research oriented towards the solution of the challenges of the era.’’
The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ will benefit important funds from SHER program, which will support our attempts for the advancement of the institution in some key aspects. In the first stage will be applied for support regarding the:
Review and improvement of the university statute to ensure a stronger legal and administrative basis.
The drafting of the new strategic plan of the University, as well as the development of the strategic documents and others in order to orientate the further development of the institution.
Leadership training and development, as well as capacity building for our staff, as highlighted in the core strategies of the SHER program, as well as the digitalization of university processes.
This support is an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen research and innovation in Kosovo and contribute to the country's economic and social progress.
The ceremony ended with open discussions among the participants, who shared their ideas and expectations for the implementation of the project. The Rector and SHER representatives emphasized that this cooperation is a testament to the joint commitment to raising the quality and impact of higher education in Kosovo.
With this agreement, the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova reaffirms its vision to be a center of academic excellence and a force for positive change in society.