Program Pre-primary Education
Year I
Semester I
- Albanian Language for Pre-primary Education
- Mathematics for Pre-primary Education
- ICT for Pre-primary Education
- Education Theory
- Writing Academic Skills
- Conflicts and conflicts resolution
- Communication in education
Semester II
- Albanian Language II in Pre- primary Education
- Math Games
- English Language I in Pre-primary Education
- The Basics of music education methodology
- Pedagogical Practice I
- Civic Education
- Culture of Writing
- The History of National Education
Year II
Semester III
- Literature for Children
- Introduction to Preschool Pedagogy
- Developmental Psychology
- Figurative Art with Metodology
- Interpretation in musical instruments
- Lifelong education
- Health Education
- Figurative Art with Methodology
Semester IV
- Basics of Natural Science with methodology
- Basics of Social Sciences with Methodology
- Pedagogical Practice II
- Education and Media
- Fine Arts
- English Laungage II for Preschool Education
- Psychology of game
Year III
Semester V
- The Psychology of Education
- Inclusive Education with Methodology
- Pedagogical Practice III
- Methodology of Albanian Language
- Family and Preschol Education
- Games and toys
- Learning throw game
Semester VI
- Metodology of literary learning
- Handmade with modeling
- Albanian Civilization
- Enviromental Education
- Curriculum development
- Work with talented children
- Games Stage
- Society and the Environment
Year IV
Semester VII
- Education through drama and doll's play
- Methodology of mathematical concepts
- Physical Edication and Sports
- Learnind disabilities
- Preschool Education Strategies
- Strategies and method of literacy
- Education in early childhood
- Children and nature learning