A cooperation memorandum with ‘Youth initiative for Human Right’ (YIHR – KS) is signed
In 22th January a cooperation memorandum between University of Gjakova ‘Fehmi Agani’ and ‘Youth initiative for human right’ YiHR- KS is signet, an initiative to implement a sustainable information program on civil rights and responsibilities towards the state and society.
In this meeting UGJFA was represented by Prof. Artan Nimani Rector PhD, while YiHR – KS was represented by Misss. Blerina Pira and signed by Executive Director Mrs. Marigona Shabiu
The purpose of this Memorandum is to facilitate the cooperation between the Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Kosovo and the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" (UGJFA), to implement a sustainable program for informing students in the faculties in Kosovo about rights, access to justice and public accountability.
This memorandum will enable the implementation of the project ‘Youth for Justice (Y4J)’ which aims to provide a program for informing students of different profiles of Pristina, Peja, Gjakova and Ferizaj region for civil rights and responsibilities towards the state, access to justice and accountability with the potential for future expansion.