Rector Bunjaku's congratulations on the 17th anniversary of Kosovo's Independence
The Rector of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, Prof. Ass.Dr. Drilon Bunjaku, congratulates all the students, members of the academic and administrative personnel, and all the citizens of Kosovo for the 17th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kosovo.
The Rector’s congratulation note:
‘’The declaration of the independence was the most important event in the post-war period, which paved the way for us building the state. In this special day, let us celebrate, remembering the sacrifice, the courage and the striving through years for the search of freedom and independence. On this occasion, our national resistance must serve us as a motif and a model, through which altogether we overcome the challenges which we face as a University, and to work hard for the best of our country, society and the state. With more work, commitment and successes, let us write together the history in order to be remembered and honored from the future generations.’’
Happy February 17-The Independence Day of the Republic of Kosovo.
Prof. Ass.Dr. Drilon Bunjaku
Rector of the UFAGJ